On Saturday 31st of July in Kamanje and Wednesday 4th of August in Žakanje the agency Croatia Open Land Tours DMC and the Tourist board of area Kupa will organize an easy safari rafting tour.

Row down the river Kupa, take a swim and let kids play at the archaeological workshops.

On the beautiful river Kupa, two events are waiting for you as part of the event ‘Đir po Kupi’ (‘Scroll down Kupa river’). It gathers all age groups and combines active vacation, hanging out, and archaeological research for the youngest. Event hoasts are two municipalities on the western border of Croatia and Slovenia, Kamanje and Žakanje.

The tours are three hours long, they will start around 3 pm, and the promotional price is 100 kn (15€) per person. Departure will be at 2 pm in Kamanje at the beach Petrinski kut, and in Žakanje at the beach Jurovo. The possible number of participants for each day is 40 people distributed in 20 boats (two-seater).

Due to the low water level in the summer, it is impossible to organize wild; adrenaline boosted rafting. For those crazy rides, you’ll have to wait for fall or spring. Summer is the season for safari rafting – light relaxing rides that is appropriate for any age. It ensures a good time, lots of fun, and swimming in the clean green river, which acts as the border between the two countries. Licensed skippers of Croatia Open Land will provide security with an international WRT Pro Rescue 3 license.

The river Kupa hides many sunken treasures. In 2015, the Kupa River near Karlovac archaeologists began researching a well-preserved Roman ship with cargo from ancient times. The ship was found at a depth of five meters and reported to experts almost 35 years ago by the sander Ante Maslov. It turned out to be an ancient Roman riverboat, most likely from the end of the 1st century, which sank near Kamenski, near Karlovac. Cargo wasn’t scattered. It remained nicely stacked. That’s why educational workshops ‘Search for Sunken Treasure’ will be held in Kamanje and Žakanje. Little explorers will embark on an exciting archaeological quest, while adults raft, kids will play, dig and learn. Workshops are free.

The goal of the events is to discover the natural beauties with tourists, encourage active vacation and encourage the local population to create tourist offers in their small towns.
Applications for safari rafting are accepted by e-mail:info@croatia-open-land.com.
Facebook Page: https://facebook.com/CroatiaOpenLand/