This year, celebrating Easter as the biggest Christian holiday, the Tourist Board of Zagreb is donating to the City of Zagreb 2 free Easter concerts on “Easter Monday “– April 18.

Easter as the biggest Christian holiday
The first concert will be held by the ensemble Project Lazarus in the Church of St. John the Baptist in Nova Ves. They will perform 11 compositions by Croatian composers from the 17th century, presenting some of the most beautiful examples of the Croatian musical heritage of that time.

The LADO Ensemble
The LADO Ensemble will perform the second concert in the parish of St. Blaise in Prilaz Gjure Deželića. As part of the concert program “Great is the joy now – Croatian Easter folk songs,” LADO will present 14 Easter songs from different parts of Croatia. Ensemble LADO won the Porin for the best folk music album for that album last year.
Easter eggs, painted in the manner of Croatian naive art in Mainz

Another traditional custom begins on Easter Monday. The new season of the Changing of the Guard of the Honorary Company of the Kravat Regiment will be performing their walk, starting at the Ethnographic Museum and ending in front of the Zagreb Cathedral. The program is performed by 13 pedestrians and four horsemen. After Easter Monday, they will be performing every Saturday and on established public holidays.

In addition to Easter concerts, the Tourist Board of Zagreb set up new Easter installations in the grassy area in front of the Cathedral.

The previous three large Easter eggs, painted in the manner of Croatian naive art, which decorated the area in previous years, were donated to the Croatian Cultural Community Mainz as a symbol of Easter joy and peace and as a symbol of friendship between Mainz and Zagreb.