Josip Broz Tito was a Croatian and Yugoslav politician, Communist leader and dictator and the chief architect of the “second Yugoslavia,” a socialist federation that lasted from World War II until 1991. According to the list of Britain’s Daily Mail, he is on the 13th place ranking list of the worst mass murderers of the 20th century. He was born May 7, 1892. in Kumrovec and died May 4, 1980. in Ljubljana. He was born in a large family of a Croat father and a Slovene mother.

Despite the many atrocities, he was an old communist incredibly persistent. He was definitely an enemy but for him, surrender was not an option. He didn’t doubt in his ideals and he actually succeeded in what he planned. Tito was a historical figure and on the internal political level, the highest value of Tito was anti-fascism, and he’s been consistent with anti-fascism from the beginning to the end of his life and he showed special sensitivity towards ethnic relations in the former Yugoslavia.
Kumrovec is most famous for it’s Ethno village where Josip Broz Tito was born and many political courses were held there in the ex-Yugoslavia, even at that time, Tito’s village was one of the must-sees. Beautiful Ethno village represents the expression of life in those small houses and surroundings. It is also known as the “Old Village” and it all started when a monument was built in front of Tito’s birth house.